[GreyCTF‘23] crypto部分

news/2024/5/19 23:44:48 标签: 密码学, CTF

baby crypto




The Vault


from hashlib import sha256 
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
from Crypto.Cipher import AES 
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes 
from math import log10 

FLAG = "grey{fake_flag}"

n = pow(10, 128)
def check_keys(a, b):
    if a % 10 == 0:
        return False  

    # Check if pow(a, b) > n
    if b * log10(a) > 128:
        return True 
    return False 

def encryption(key, plaintext):
    iv = "Greyhats".encode()
    cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CTR, nonce = iv)
    return cipher.encrypt(plaintext)

print("Welcome back, NUS Dean. Please type in the authentication codes to open the vault! \n")

a = int(input("Enter the first code: "))
b = int(input("Enter the second code: "))

if not check_keys(a, b):
    print("Nice try thief! The security are on the way.")

print("Performing thief checks...\n")
thief_check = get_random_bytes(16)

# Highly secure double encryption checking system. The thieves stand no chance!
x = pow(a, b, n)
first_key = sha256(long_to_bytes(x)).digest()
second_key = sha256(long_to_bytes(pow(x, 10, n))).digest()

if thief_check == encryption(first_key, encryption(second_key, thief_check)):
    print("Vault is opened.")
    print("Stealing attempts detected! Initializing lockdown")


a = n+1
b = 2


GreyCat Trial


from random import randint 

FLAG = "grey{fake_flag}"

print("Lo and behold! The GreyCat Wizard, residing within the Green Tower of PrimeLand, is a wizard of unparalleled prowess")
print("The GreyCat wizard hath forged an oracle of equal potency")
print("The oracle hath the power to bestow upon thee any knowledge that exists in the world")
print("Gather the requisite elements to triumph over the three trials, noble wizard.")

a = int(input("The first element: "))
b = int(input("The second element: "))

all_seeing_number = 23456789

if b <= 0:
    print("Verily, those who would cheat possess not the might of true wizards.")

if pow(all_seeing_number, a - 1, a) != 1:
    print("Alas, thy weakness hath led to defeat in the very first trial.")

trial_numbers = [randint(0, 26) for i in range(26)]

for number in trial_numbers:
    c = a + b * number 
    if pow(all_seeing_number, c - 1, c) != 1:
        print("Thou art not yet strong enough, and thus hast been vanquished in the second trial")

d = a + b * max(trial_numbers) 
if (d.bit_length() < 55): 
    print("Truly, thou art the paramount wizard. As a reward, we present thee with this boon:")
    print("Thou art nigh, but thy power falters still.")


在 Primes in Arithmetic Progression Records


According to this page tracking records for primes in arithmetic progression, the smallest known end for an AP-26 is:

3486107472997423 + 1666981·23#·n (12783396861134173)

We technically need an AP-27, but will have to work with this because the best known AP-27 is too big. We note that the success rate is approximately 
, and can just keep retrying until it works.
a = 3486107472997423 
b = 371891575525470


from random import randint

def get_probability(a, b):
    all_seeing_number = 23456789
    trial_numbers = [i for i in range(26)]
    successes = 0
    for number in trial_numbers:
        c = a + b * number
        if pow(all_seeing_number, c - 1, c) == 1:
            successes += 1
    return successes / len(trial_numbers)

for i in range(1,50):
    p = get_probability(i, 2)
    print(i, p)

#a=3,b=2时成功率84% 多次运行即可成功



import os 
from Crypto.Cipher import AES 
from hashlib import sha256 

FLAG = "grey{fake_flag_please_change_this}"
assert(len(FLAG) == 40)

secret_key = os.urandom(16)

def encrypt(plaintext, iv):
    hsh = sha256(iv).digest()[:8]
    cipher = AES.new(secret_key, AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=hsh)
    ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)
    return ciphertext.hex()

print("AES is super safe. You have no way to guess my key anyways!!")
print("My encryption service is very generous. Indeed, so generous that we will encrypt any plaintext you desire many times")

    plaintext = bytes.fromhex(input("Enter some plaintext (in hex format): "))
except ValueError:
    print("We are incredibly generous, yet you display such selfishness by failing to provide a proper hex string")

for i in range(256):
    ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, i.to_bytes(1, 'big'))
    print(f"Ciphertext {i}: {ciphertext}")

print("We will reward a lot of money for the person that can decipher this encrypted message :)")
print("It's impossible to decipher anyways, but here you go: ")
print("Flag: ", encrypt(FLAG.encode("ascii"), os.urandom(1)))
from pwn import xor 
enc = bytes.fromhex('90a9cb7f769ae85e8619188c3c1a2faa7817cd26472df0058358d7724cad5fe03b50bbe781061962')
for v in c:
    t = bytes.fromhex(v)




import secrets
import hashlib
from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime, long_to_bytes

FLAG = b'grey{fake_flag}'

e = 0x10001

def checkN(N):
    if (N < 0):
        return "what?"
    if (N.bit_length() != 4096):
        return "N should be 4096 bits"
    if (isPrime(N) or isPrime(N + 23)):
        return "Hey no cheating"
    return None
def xor(a, b):
    return bytes([i ^ j for i,j in zip(a,b)])

def encrypt(key, msg):
    key = hashlib.shake_256(long_to_bytes(key)).digest(len(msg))
    return xor(key, msg)

print("This is my new Oblivious transfer protocol built on top of the crypto primitive (factorisation is hard)\n")
print("You should first generate a number h which you know the factorisation,\n")
print("If you wish to know the first part of the key, send me h")
print(f"If you wish to know the second part of the key, send me h - {23}\n")

N = int(input(("Now what's your number: ")))

check = checkN(N)
if check != None:

k1, k2 = secrets.randbelow(N), secrets.randbelow(N)
k = k1 ^ k2

print("Now I send you these 2 numbers\n")
print(f"pow(k1, e, N) = {pow(k1, e, N)}")
print(f"pow(k2, e, N+23) = {pow(k2, e, N + 23)}\n")

print("Since you only know how to factorise one of them, you can only get one part of the data :D\n")
print("This protocol is secure so sending this should not have any problem")
print(f"flag = {encrypt(k, FLAG).hex()}")
print("Bye bye!")


n1_fact = [7, 462770317, 5694507743]
n2_fact = [2, 2, 2, 3, 41, 857, 1559, 339023, 2343209079636457154747528091249224327826476095035652043863204963528742512659334966004677662229161019950483083366584485458548138280449093341862002378977954167933497368219007597603755403106504457342524731378152141064507021879321139562219662472972474776122252631953409761238215160613209971558173741803026979254214210727528142216553898876030291198626181784265607599995908726045509487718799462181771728090038238068962056777644992988892938124008992438950549472345044426855638833877506876728312782161167647747290824784748696754246159892136814441488314325403562730367144917966990736400033017352989925334985594945295887660260144968909191465152707699303607693854298865103549470740231242767344488974983844208891266194478474170742048476973621036892530585345861314676222967700381339468070033580937158526944117868721156005290278361321242499022780770109629887890569960968326394919597157591985091545402257594210821663401565236232981650710950040799762586385335353099840799701838611631226315955970308578031727803805560549254048967932250161687173341134600016684183728290540325814498855833184665851382340485507560611728519283837988674497703692142667372814441920058176679479875671554322375842868866916030160361839169885024648792639108310409]

n1 = mult(n1_fact)**64
n2 = mult(n2_fact)


assert n1 + 23 == n2

import itertools 
import gmpy2 

phi1 = itertools.product([(v-1)*v**63 for v in n1_fact])
phi2 = itertools.product([v-1 for v in n2_fact])
d1 = invert(e,phi1)
d2 = invert(e,phi2)

第二这有才有意义 生成一个23*k*2^m 的数,使其+1是素数,两个分解就都有了

for i in range(1, 1<<24, 2):
    order = 4096-(23).bit_length()-i.bit_length()
    p = i*2**order + 1 
    if is_prime(p):





import secrets
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad

FLAG = b'grey{fake_flag}'

while True:
    sample = [3, 80] + [secrets.randbelow(256) for _ in range(2)]
    if len(sample) == len(set(sample)) and 0 not in sample:

def getBiasRandomByte():
    return secrets.choice(sample)

def getRandomByte():
    n = 0; g = 0
    for _ in range(20):
        n += getBiasRandomByte() * getBiasRandomByte()
    for _ in range(20):
        g = (g + getBiasRandomByte()) % 256 
    for _ in range(n):
        g = (getBiasRandomByte() * g + getBiasRandomByte()) % 256
    return g

def encrypt(msg):
    key = bytes([getRandomByte() for _ in range(6)])
    cipher = AES.new(pad(key, 16), AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=b'\xc1\xc7\xcc\xd1D\xfbI\x10')
    return cipher.encrypt(msg)

print("Hello there, this is our lucky numbers")
print(" ".join(map(str,sample)))

s = int(input("Send us your lucky number! "))

if not (0 <= s <= 10):
    print("I dont like your number :(")

for i in range(s):
    print("Here's your lucky flag:", encrypt(FLAG).hex())


#We find that the byte ends up being one of [3, 80, 16, 64] about 61% of the time, and one of [0, 128, 208] another 12% of the time. So to make this simple we hope that our key only contains bytes from these 7 possible values.
cts = '''

dic = {x[:5]:x[5:] for x in map(bytes.fromhex, cts.split())}
candidate_bytes = [3, 80, 16, 64, 0, 128, 208]
for key in cartesian_product([candidate_bytes] * 6):
    cipher = AES.new(pad(bytes(key), 16), AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=b'\xc1\xc7\xcc\xd1D\xfbI\x10')
    if tail := dic.get(cipher.encrypt(b'grey{')):
        print(b'grey{' + cipher.encrypt(tail))


from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad
from sage.all import *
from pwn import *

def decrypt(msg, key):
    cipher = AES.new(pad(key, 16), AES.MODE_CTR, nonce=b'\xc1\xc7\xcc\xd1D\xfbI\x10')
    return cipher.decrypt(msg)

while True:
    r = remote("localhost", 9999)
    r.recvuntil("our lucky numbers\n")
    sample = list(map(int, r.recvline().decode().strip().split()))

    trans = [[0 for _ in range(2**8)] for _ in range(2**8)]

    for i in sample:
        for j in sample:
            for k in range(2**8):
                trans[k][(j * k + i) % 256] += (1)/(len(sample)^2)

    for i in range(2**8):
        trans[i][i] -= 1

    T = Matrix(QQ, trans)

    T = T.transpose()

    v = list(T.solve_right(vector([0 for _ in range(256)] + [1])))
    for i in range(len(v)):
        v[i] = (v[i], i)

    v.sort(key=lambda x : x[0])

    # for i in range(len(v)):
    #     print(v[i][0].n(50), v[i][1])

    k = sum(map(lambda x : x[0], v[-12:])).n(50)

    if (k < 0.4):

    arr = list(map(lambda x : x[1], v[-12:]))



    for _ in range(10):
        r.recvuntil("lucky flag: ")
        c = bytes.fromhex(r.recvline().decode())

        for i in range(12**6):
            key = []
            for _ in range(6):
                key.append(int(arr[i % 12]))
                i = i // 12
            key = bytes(key)
            if b'grey{' in decrypt(c, key):
                print(decrypt(c, key))



from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
from secrets import randbits

FLAG = b'fake_flag'

p = randbits(1024)
q = randbits(1024)

def encrypt(msg, key):
    m = bytes_to_long(msg)
    return p * m + q * m**2 + (m + p + q) * key

n = len(FLAG)
s = randbits(1024)

print(f'n = {n}')
print(f'p = {p}')
print(f'q = {q}')
print(f'c1 = {encrypt(FLAG[:n//2], s)}')
print(f'c2 = {encrypt(FLAG[n//2:], s)}')


n = 60
p = 154086578594169457435595675666643895734811841080572558765373507236578028216591747533849923751469191596377661004029046877904042460778919103625210259448925051403568654035172094553059686620938995150323671690612067502149750334217640430881837803398594614204799922967620005040202036583050736150941842152536365544084
q = 125017463628708786112045898783989519686518641018787292892390877841668306746146702301981172263729102252453507006240973911324033106244068376643435622158128309826549542204034257871545558185841458407254799884829820319949756220781717646450760642511971882897039183232753628829418868493229485015468373205449789812260
c1 = 31118850289098152832161049930974564440792673516199584784484864528279481500612948601526706062621276262711210497739562987491633664814289725255046485262798604510626941827187912034287402128550018798165331343869198539137692903451118993538977788768945912026980846832254010558073806464461172522295653614635829516912620303901074895536704497550933805653512993413784431814034970399353908315083734783641688845887335175756415452320057666293794222522192970247045775053062573130002154959221285571979645935259561842756575513382500001710093979669436220490166791279222321068474420336287079321260681992725702004322840264333436628467610
c2 = 31118850289098152832161049930974564440792673516199584784484864528279481500612948601526706062621276262711210497739562987491633664814289725255046485262798604510626941817672660832127847041917018566902241465270388458210289299587958256824375312920716794521835108724034002277333245660951027397544591256117371462945925063227877052543505162260331377627961855698406102909764518955398788366432268123471930922870790059289526241832032413046933338032005163677585629816264668273416126506175004091486421225900247767247311587061422436593600806854703842740334379936590431991884721985057366825456467986462930236986239275935656810387114

from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

var('a b k')
f = p * a + q * a**2 + (a + p + q) * k - c1 
g = p * b + q * b**2 + (b + p + q) * k - c2

h = f.resultant(g, k).expand()


arr = [
    abs(h.coefficient(a, 2).coefficient(b, 1)), 
    abs(h.coefficient(a, 2).coefficient(b, 0)), 
    abs(h.coefficient(a, 1).coefficient(b, 0)), 
    abs(h.coefficient(a, 0).coefficient(b, 1)), 

constT = h.coefficient(a, 0).coefficient(b, 0) 

X = 2^200

M = [
    [1, 0, 0, 0, arr[0], 1, 0,                0, 0, 0],
    [0, 1, 0, 0, arr[1], 0, 2^(n//2 * 8),     0, 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 1, 0, arr[2], 0, 0, 2^(n//2 * 8 * 2), 0, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 1, arr[3], 0, 0, 0, 2^(n//2 * 8 * 2), 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, constT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2^(n//2 * 8 * 3)],

M = Matrix(ZZ, M)

for i in M:


L = M.LLL()[0]

a = abs(L[2])
b = abs(L[3])

print(long_to_bytes(a) + long_to_bytes(b))



#c = p*m + q*m**2 + (m+p+q)key 
#m+p+q  除 c+(p+q)(p-p*q-q**2) 以 c+(p+q)(p-p*q-q**2)为模,用CopperSmith求解

def solve(c):
    x = Zmod(c+(p+q)*(p-p*q-q**2))['x'].gen()
    m = (x+p+q).small_roots(X=2**240, beta=1/3)[0]
    return long_to_bytes(int(m))
print(solve(c1) + solve(c2))



from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime
from secrets import randbits
from hashlib import shake_256

FLAG = b'???'

p = 2^29 - 33

F.<x,y> = GF(p)[]
G.<x,y> = F.quotient(F.ideal([x^3 - y^2 + 1, y^7 - 11]))

def xor(a, b):
    return bytes([i ^^ j for i, j in zip(a,b)])

def encrypt_flag(s):
    secret = b",".join(map(lambda x : str(x).encode(), s.lift().coefficients()))
    key = shake_256(secret).digest(len(FLAG))
    return xor(key, FLAG)

g = 1 + x + y

a = randbits(1024); A = g^a
b = randbits(1024); B = g^b
S = A^b

f = open("output.txt", 'w')

f.write(f"c = {encrypt_flag(S).hex()}\n")
f.write(f"A = {A}\n")
f.write(f"B = {B}\n")

c = cd519d06bf85ecafdb84111ab63d509e49ffb8cfc78fee4f4cbc3c007a96d2060613f5c0a208325569bf3476d4ea839c10d4667d3dfb5d0d650d79153b
A = -210623603*x^2*y^6 + 223917991*x^2*y^5 - 234939507*x*y^6 - 103510738*x^2*y^4 - 255193765*x*y^5 + 245323126*y^6 - 41129482*x^2*y^3 + 3293396*x*y^4 + 265040169*y^5 - 175348566*x^2*y^2 - 8922481*x*y^3 - 76227659*y^4 - 127516194*x^2*y - 97886874*x*y^2 - 207888821*y^3 - 123290485*x^2 + 93703664*x*y - 146824287*y^2 - 229640558*x - 5428142*y - 185137098
B = 155912203*x^2*y^6 - 50064221*x^2*y^5 + 107681922*x*y^6 - 249464027*x^2*y^4 - 13560651*x*y^5 - 178499062*y^6 + 75225430*x^2*y^3 + 241399622*x*y^4 + 8431316*y^5 - 15433512*x^2*y^2 - 80127041*x*y^3 - 199374666*y^4 + 203619258*x^2*y + 20681482*x*y^2 - 92775952*y^3 - 46663623*x^2 + 171776018*x*y - 164809964*y^2 - 186955302*x + 235677332*y - 173567532


from hashlib import shake_256

def xor(a, b):
    return bytes([i ^^ j for i, j in zip(a,b)])

def decrypt(s, c):
    secret = b",".join(map(lambda x : str(x).encode(), s.coefficients()))
    key = shake_256(secret).digest(len(c))
    return xor(key, c)

p = 2^29 - 33

d1 = 3
d2 = 7


F = PolynomialRing(GF(p), 'a', d1 * d2 + 2)

variables = F.gens()
x = variables[0]
y = variables[1]

G = F.quotient(F.ideal([x^d1 - y^2 + 1, y^d2 - 11]))

variables = G.gens()
x = variables[0]
y = variables[1]

g = 1 + x + y

c = bytes.fromhex("cd519d06bf85ecafdb84111ab63d509e49ffb8cfc78fee4f4cbc3c007a96d2060613f5c0a208325569bf3476d4ea839c10d4667d3dfb5d0d650d79153b")
A = -210623603*x^2*y^6 + 223917991*x^2*y^5 - 234939507*x*y^6 - 103510738*x^2*y^4 - 255193765*x*y^5 + 245323126*y^6 - 41129482*x^2*y^3 + 3293396*x*y^4 + 265040169*y^5 - 175348566*x^2*y^2 - 8922481*x*y^3 - 76227659*y^4 - 127516194*x^2*y - 97886874*x*y^2 - 207888821*y^3 - 123290485*x^2 + 93703664*x*y - 146824287*y^2 - 229640558*x - 5428142*y - 185137098
B = 155912203*x^2*y^6 - 50064221*x^2*y^5 + 107681922*x*y^6 - 249464027*x^2*y^4 - 13560651*x*y^5 - 178499062*y^6 + 75225430*x^2*y^3 + 241399622*x*y^4 + 8431316*y^5 - 15433512*x^2*y^2 - 80127041*x*y^3 - 199374666*y^4 + 203619258*x^2*y + 20681482*x*y^2 - 92775952*y^3 - 46663623*x^2 + 171776018*x*y - 164809964*y^2 - 186955302*x + 235677332*y - 173567532

f = 0
for i in range(d1):
    for j in range(d2):
        f += variables[2 + d2 * i + j] * x^i * y^j

def hom(k):
    M = [[0 for _ in range(d1 * d2)] for _ in range(d1 * d2)]
    t = (f * k).lift()
    for i in range(d1):
        for j in range(d2):
            for k in range(d1 * d2):
                M[k][d2 * i + j] = t.coefficient({x:i, y: j, variables[2 + k]: 1})
    return Matrix(GF(p), M)
G = hom(g)
AA = hom(A)
gg = G.charpoly()
n = len(G.rows())

factors = factor(gg)

val = []
mods = []

order = 1

for f in factors:
    FF = GF(p ^ f[0].degree())
    root = f[0].change_ring(FF).roots()[0][0]
    v = (G.change_ring(FF) - root * 1).right_kernel_matrix().rows()[0]
    P = [v] + [[1 if i == j else 0 for j in range(n)] for i in range(n - 1)]
    P = Matrix(FF, P).transpose()
    T1 = P^-1 * G.change_ring(FF) * P
    T2 = P^-1 * AA.change_ring(FF) * P
    o = T1[0][0].multiplicative_order()
    if (lcm(order, o) == order):
    order = lcm(order, o)

a = crt(val, mods)


s = (B^a).lift()
print(decrypt(s, c))



from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
from secret import qa, qb, pa, pb

FLAG = b'fake_flag'

class Q:
    d = 41
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
    def __add__(self, other):
        return Q(self.a + other.a, self.b + other.b)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        return Q(self.a - other.a, self.b - other.b)
    def __mul__(self, other):
        a = self.a * other.a + Q.d * self.b * other.b
        b = self.b * other.a + self.a * other.b 
        return Q(a, b)

    def __mod__(self, other):
        # Implementation Hidden
        # ...
        return self
    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f'({self.a}, {self.b})'
def power(a, b, m):
    res = Q(1, 0)
    while (b > 0):
        if (b & 1): res = (res * a) % m
        a = (a * a) % m
        b //= 2
    return res

p, q = Q(pa, pb), Q(qa, qb)
N = p * q
m = Q(bytes_to_long(FLAG[:len(FLAG)//2]), bytes_to_long(FLAG[len(FLAG)//2:]))
e = 0x10001
c = power(m, e, N)

print(f"N_a = {N.a}")
print(f"N_b = {N.b}")
print(f"C_a = {c.a}")
print(f"C_b = {c.b}")
print(f"e = {e}")
print(f"D = {Q.d}")


from decimal import Decimal, getcontext

getcontext().prec = int(10000)

class Q:
    d = 41
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
    def __add__(self, other):
        return Q(self.a + other.a, self.b + other.b)
    def __sub__(self, other):
        return Q(self.a - other.a, self.b - other.b)
    def __mul__(self, other):
        a = self.a * other.a + Q.d * self.b * other.b
        b = self.b * other.a + self.a * other.b 
        return Q(a, b)

    def __mod__(self, other):
        r = Decimal(int(other.a * other.a - Q.d * other.b * other.b))
        q = self * Q(other.a, -other.b)
        qa = int((Decimal(int(q.a))/r).to_integral_exact())
        qb = int((Decimal(int(q.b))/r).to_integral_exact())
        res = self - Q(qa, qb) * other
        return res
    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f'({self.a}, {self.b})'
def power(a, b, m):
    res = Q(1, 0)
    while (b > 0):
        if (b & 1): res = (res * a) % m
        a = (a * a) % m
        b //= 2
    return res

N_a = 2613240571441392195964088630982261349682821645613497396226742971850092862049682714123355029612448609254303796690909646594946069650719320421550307082460305103785198772732273571020529003974320397237096691522804712706512030715753640155668659684093067319185265153545236392472134496428382266600090383797614653942221936332929175557303391656241351117808833959918253404012245633586322491783496235954011173498460231177697737092488315432823871012224368640000000
N_b = 406631291381063062708368640624433195177629887128324992156536215422427085251271158548246052765619573442134462500652616281986273622217404519958464200902599497611719198311591180368508835389781999428982410097278062504076636059232055783729252448502542597951710294264137195997893054083787667027206495381119048279226753306334118272352371363733528942151156768581101905518532465160584386180402709606771189313858666352673319676040954150310530906188677120000000
C_a = 2548711194583905242838482900078294859199882484375229964715550469790767416706725411953362845724983002558821710679258499982960453598798074631796750663774845415692650589352513765870894878170769435087683220330986573614974529690187792931316475879984809267941606365493481277785184076320720487644565808909403821593150101568803446075808715002632463329841749179295823686361086890490703942659897558782785569910876849941888829825694107185482012864247559426111336
C_b = 400941158148299866665115436146084555297152646914223433988293961893848206718639579342053294961462797881591789534709492717097892667288044693824228320005182068933966525404665323301134912609777110824069569544060608441451336249895977866445507357131208911196230972379132737483251711155975474018188763433151191428844929401881703566513896999328525340678378000286116960582957867857836600614501387296599091266404311307529322130111164410987643652390537358307965
e = 65537

N = Q(N_a, N_b)
c = Q(C_a, C_b)

f = factor(N.a * N.a - Q.d * N.b * N.b)

ord1 = 1
ord2 = 1

for i in f:
    ord1 *= (i[0] - 1)**2 * (i[0]**2 - 1) * i[0]**i[1] 
    ord2 *= (i[0] - 1) * i[0]**(i[1] - 1)

d1 = int(inverse(e, ord1))
d2 = int(inverse(e, ord2))

m1 = power(c, d1, N)
m2 = power(c, d2, N)

print(long_to_bytes(m1.a) + long_to_bytes(m1.b))
print(long_to_bytes(m2.a) + long_to_bytes(m2.b))



e = 65537
D = 41

N = N_a**2 - D*N_b**2
F = Zmod(N)['x']
C = F.quo(F.gen()**2-D)((C_a,C_b))

phi = euler_phi(N)
g = gcd(list(C**phi-1)+[N_a,N_b])
d = int(pow(e,-1,phi))
print(b''.join(long_to_bytes(int(x%g)) for x in C**d))



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